Australia Awards awardee finding long term accommodation

How can I find long-term accommodation if I am an Australia Awards awardee?

Answer ID 3083 | Last updated on 08/05/2024 11.14 AM

Awardees are sent Housing information in their Pre-Departure Email.

On arrival you will be provided advice about finding long-term accommodation. Your first few days will be focused on you securing accommodation suitable for yourself and perhaps your family. It is important you are aware of the legal obligations of accommodation leases before you sign a lease.

Many awardees like to stay in university-owned properties near the UWA Campus. You can contact Crawley Village to register your interest in university properties prior to leaving home.

It is highly recommended that awardees do not enter into any lease arrangements with private accommodation providers, or send any money, until you are in Perth and have seen the property as scams have been known to take place.

On arrival, many awardees will also make arrangements to share the rental cost of apartments or houses. 

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