Paying your student contribution or tuition fees

How can I pay my student contribution or tuition fees?

Answer ID 122 | Last updated on 24/01/2025 09.19 AM

There are several ways you can pay your student fees at UWA.

Note: Any payments made toward your account will be credited to the first outstanding debt/charge listed on your electronic Statement of Account (eSOA). Only after any outstanding fees have been paid will the balance of your payment be credited against your tuition fees. Therefore, it is important you check studentConnect for any outstanding payments.

You can pay your fees using one of the following methods:

  • Online via your eSOA available on studentConnect.
  1. You will need to retrieve your eSOA by logging in to studentConnect with your student ID and Uni ID password.
  2. Click on 'Statement of Account'  in the FINANCE menu on the left hand side.
  3. Select the relevant 'Fee calendar' from the drop down box. 
  4. Click 'Show'.
  5. Click 'Pay Now'.
  6. Select your 'Payment method' - Visa or MasterCard or Convera
  • Online via the Outstanding Balance page available on studentConnect.
  1. You will need to view your outstanding balance by logging in to studentConnect with your student ID and Uni ID password.
  2. Click on 'Outstanding Balance' in the FINANCE menu on the left hand side.
  3. Click 'Make a payment'.
  4. Select your 'Payment method': Visa or MasterCard or Convera
  • You can present your Statement of Account intact at any Australia Post Agency to pay by cash, EFTPOS, Personal or Bank cheque/money order (drawn from an Australian bank in Australian dollars). For payment by cheque/money order in person at Australia Post, make your cheque/money order payable to "Australia Post".
  • Payment can be made by MasterCard or Visa by telephone on 13 18 16 (or from overseas on 61 13 18 16) or on the internet via Postbillpay. You will need to quote the bill pay code and reference number from your Statement of Account.
  • BPay payment via internet or phone banking from your cheque or savings account.

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