Procedure for withdrawing from units

How do I withdraw from units?

Answer ID 180 | Last updated on 24/09/2024 04.16 PM

If you wish to withdraw from your units we strongly recommend you seek advice from your Student Advising OfficeStudent Advising Office. If you are an international student visa holder please contact your Student Advising Office for advice prior to withdrawing from units, as you are normally required to maintain a full-time enrolment.

You can withdraw from a unit in a number of ways depending on when in the teaching period you wish to withdraw.

Up until midnight on the Census Date for the teaching period of the unit. You can withdraw online via studentConnect.

Process to Withdraw Online:
1. Log on to your studentConnect
2. Under the 'COURSE DETAIL' menu, select 'Online Enrolment'
3. Click 'Begin online enrolment'
4. Select 'Units' from the navigation icons on the right hand side
5. Click the 'Discontinue' option next to the unit/s you would like to withdraw from
6. Select "Save changes" to confirm. 
6. A green information box stating "Your changes have been saved to the database successfully." will appear.
Check that you have saved any changes to your enrolment by viewing 'Statement of Enrolment' or 'Course and units details' under the 'COURSE DETAILS' menu options. 

There are a few reasons why you may not be able to withdraw from units online via studentConnect. Please check them to see if they apply to you:

Cross Institutional, Exchange or Study Abroad Students
Cross-institutional or Study Abroad/Student Exchange students can't make changes to their UWA enrolment online (this includes units with the prefix: ENRL or EXCH). You will need to change your enrolment manually via a Change of Enrolment form. Please contact your Student Advising Office or Student Administration in person or put in a request via Email Us for a Change of Enrolment form.

Unit not available for online enrolment
Some units may not be available for online enrolment due to quota/venue restrictions or other reasons. Refer to your Student Advising Office for advice on whether your unit is available for online enrolment. You may be able to enrol in the unit manually via a Change of Enrolment form (available from your School).

Census Date has passed
You can only withdraw from units online up until the Census Date of the unit (see above for further instructions). To withdraw after the Census Date see the instructions below.

If none of the above reasons apply, Email Us and we will investigate for you.

After the Census Date and up to midnight on the Academic Withdrawal Date for the teaching period.

Process to withdraw: Request a Change of Enrolment form from your Student Advising Office or Student Administration, either in person or via Email Us.

You will be financially liable for any units you withdraw from after the Census Date.

After the Academic Withdrawal Date for the teaching period.

Process to withdraw: Request a Change of Enrolment form from your Student Advising Office or Student Administration, either in person or via Email Us (up until the Teaching End Date). 

You will be financially liable for any units you withdraw from after the Academic Withdrawal Date AND you will receive a fail grade of FN for the unit.

After the Teaching End Date for the teaching period.

It is too late to withdraw from a unit once the Teaching End Date has passed, unless you are applying to withdraw (without academic penalty) via Special Consideration. Please visit the Special Consideration webpage for more information, including eligibility and how to lodge an application. If you have any further queries, please contact your Student Advising Office via Email Us.

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