CAS and Student Calendaring System

Can students add their CAS timetable into the Student Calendaring System?

Answer ID 2085 | Last updated on 02/08/2024 09.46 AM

Once CAS Allocations have been completed, you can add your finished timetable into your calendar by using the iCAL URL on the home page of CAS. Any changes to your timetable are refreshed twice a day in your calendar.

. There are two ways to sync your timetable.
  1. You can subscribe to the iCAL link in the CAS homepage. A refresh interval is set in the calendar app in your mobile which will download any updates during those refresh intervals from the link.
  2. You can download the .ics file which is a one-time download of the events from CAS which do not get updated.

More information about Student Calendaring and a step-by-step guide on how to import your timetable is available on the Student email and collaboration tools web page under the Student Calendaring section.

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