Summary of how Turnitin works

How does Turnitin work?

Answer ID 2192 | Last updated on 18/12/2024 02.30 PM

Turnitin allows teaching staff to mark assignments online through the Feedback Studio function. In addition, when assignments are submitted to Turnitin, an Originality / Similarity Report can be generated in which the system identifies what proportion of the text in a student's submission matches existing text found in the content database, which includes 45+ billion web pages, 130+ million journal articles, and 150+ million student papers. This includes content from publishers including Sage, Emerald, Gale, and EBSCO.

Turnitin, when used in partnership with other academic integrity resources such as STUDYSmarter, Academic Conduct Essentials (ACE) and Communication and Research Skills (CARS) can assist students to develop their skills and gain a better ethical awareness of academic integrity. Turnitin can help staff to more effectively assess the written work of their students, making assignments more engaging and relevant in a teaching and learning context.

For further information, see the Library's Turnitin guide.

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