Credit point requirements

How many credit points do I have to complete for my undergraduate degree?

Answer ID 2251 | Last updated on 20/08/2024 03.18 PM

One of the requirements of an undergraduate degree is to complete a minimum number of credit points.

A single undergraduate bachelor's pass degree, normally consists of 144 credit points (equivalent to 24 units worth 6 credit points each).  For bachelor's honours degreescombined bachelor's degrees or combined bachelor's/master degrees, the credit point requirements will be different.

Each of your units is worth a number of credit points. You will find the credit point value for each unit listed on the unit page on the Handbook.

For an undergraduate bachelor's degree, most units are worth six credit points. A small number of project units are worth 12 credit points each. 

You can view the number of credit points that you have completed in studentConnect - select 'COURSE DETAILS' and then ' Course progression status'.

For further advice on credit points and course requirements contact your Student Advising Office (displayed on studentConnect). 

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