McCusker Centre internship application process

What is the application process for a McCusker Centre for Citizenship internship?

Answer ID 2396 | Last updated on 23/05/2024 01.11 PM

The McCusker Centre for Citizenship offers currently enrolled undergraduate and postgraduate students the opportunity to connect with the community, not for profit and government sectors through our established and successful Internship Program.

Student interns are selected through a competitive application process. Applications are assessed based on the quality of the responses, demonstrated communication skills, interests and experience.

For postgraduate students, your eligibility to undertake a McCusker Centre internship towards your degree will be advised by your Student Advising Office. The internship application form on our website will guide you through the process of seeking approval.

Ready to get started? Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the McCusker Centre website for more information
  2. Carefully consider your commitments for the teaching period. Are you able to commit to the requirements of the program?
  3. Review the roles that are on offer, to gain an understanding of the types of internships we have
  4. Click 'start an application' and follow the instructions  at the top of the form.
  5. Complete the application form
  6. Check your student email account regularly for updates and respond promptly

For more information, please contact the McCusker Centre for Citizenship on 6488 1690 or Email



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