Difference between a resume and CV

Is resume and curriculum vitae (CV) the same thing?

Answer ID 2461 | Last updated on 26/06/2024 02.07 PM

A resume and a CV are both documents used to showcase an individual's qualifications, skills and work experience. In Australia, resume and CV are used interchangeably.
CVs are usually a more comprehensive document that includes a detailed overview of an individual academic background, research, publications, awards, and a listing of work experience full work history. Resumes are shorter in length and summarise the most relevant skills, qualifications, and work experience for a specific job application.
In summary, the choice between a resume and a CV depends on the industry, the type of position you are applying for and regional conventions. It is important to understand when applying for work overseas, check what is meant by a resume or CV in that country and remember to tailor your document accordingly. 
For instant resume review you can submit your resume through UWA CareerLab 24-7 online review tool.

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