Australia Awards Scholarship Fieldwork Travel

What costs will my scholarship cover for my Fieldwork Travel if I'm an Australia Awards Scholarship awardee?

Answer ID 3100 | Last updated on 08/05/2024 11.23 AM

Students who have a Fieldwork Travel entitlement are able to travel back home to undertake data collection. Fieldwork Travel cannot be approved if you have already undertaken Reunion Travel in the same year.

The Fieldwork Travel entitlement is only a contribution to your fieldwork costs. Fieldwork Travel must be undertaken in your home country or in Australia. In exceptional cases, Program Areas may agree to fieldwork in another country.

Only the international return airfares to the airport closest to the fieldwork location will be funded during the scholarship period.

If fieldwork in a country outside your home country or region is approved, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) will contribute a maximum of AUD$1,500 to cover travel costs only.

DFAT reviews the policy regarding Fieldwork Travel funding each year. Please confirm these details with the Student Contact Officer or refer to your Scholarship Policy Guidelines.

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