Syncing your timetable to your mobile calendar

Can I download my timetable to my mobile calendar?

Answer ID 3111 | Last updated on 02/08/2024 09.48 AM

You can use the iCAL link to subscribe from your iPhone, Android, Google Calendar, MS Outlook etc. Each of these products have help pages to guide you on how to do this. You can find the Subscription URL in the home page after you login into CAS under the heading "Subscribe to your timetable".
If you’re having any issues with syncing your timetables via the iCAL in CAS and continue to see last years timetable in your mobile device, you can try to login via an incognito or private window in the browser. There are two ways to sync your timetable.
  1. You can subscribe to the iCAL link in the CAS homepage. A refresh interval is set in the calendar app in your mobile which will download any updates during those refresh intervals from the link.
  2. You can download the .ics file which is a one-time download of the events from CAS which do not get updated.

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