Campus transfer between Albany and Crawley

How to I transfer from the Albany to Crawley Campus or from Crawley to Albany Campus?

Answer ID 3171 | Last updated on 04/12/2023 12.31 PM

Students at the UWA Albany Campus can apply to undertake study at the Crawley Campus.

Students at the UWA Crawley Campus can apply to undertake study at the Albany Campus.

To apply to undertake study at a different campus you need to contact your Student Advising Office, via Email Us, with the request.  Your Student Advising Office will decide if the units you require to complete your course and major/s are available at the particular campus. If so, they will email you an Albany/Crawley Application to Change Campus form. Once you complete the form you can return it to your Student Advising Office, either in person or via Email Us.


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