OpenAthens explained

What is OpenAthens and how do I use it?

Answer ID 3244 | Last updated on 30/01/2025 02.14 PM

OpenAthens is an authentication service for Library resources. It enables secure and reliable access both on and off campus using your Uni ID credentials.
Signing into OpenAthens
If you have already signed in (eg through the LMS, or by accessing the resource via OneSearch) you will not need to login again. However, if you change browser or device you will be prompted to login again.
Each vendor site will be slightly different. If there is a statement such as 'Access provided by University of Western Australia Library' then you are already connected. Otherwise:
  • Look for a login link eg. Institutional Login, Library Login, or OpenAthens.
  • Select Institutional Login to access the list of institutions.
  • Search for 'University of Western Australia" in the list. If there are multiple entries, choose the one that says OpenAthens.
  • You will then be prompted for your Uni ID credentials.
  • Confirm you are connected through the UWA subscription.
  • On some vendor sites (eg JSTOR) you can login directly via OpenAthens.
OpenAthens and EndNote
To set up EndNote Find Full Text for off-campus access, please refer to the EndNote Guide.

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