Tuition fee discount for UWA staff

Can staff get a discount on student tuition fees?

Answer ID 3367 | Last updated on 21/05/2024 10.05 AM

Eligible UWA employees can receive a 25% discount on tuition fees to study postgraduate full-fee paying courses at UWA. The discount is only available to staff who will be enrolled as domestic students.

The discount does not apply to:

  • adjunct or casual staff (you must be employed on a fixed-term or ongoing basis);
  • existing students who are subsequently employed as staff on short-term contracts such as Resident Advisors (your primary affiliation with UWA must be as a staff member, not as a student);
  • Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP), research, and non-award courses (including Access UWA and micro-credentials);
  • the Student Services and Amenities Fee;
  • incidentals associated with undertaking the full-fee course such as travel or books; and
  • UWA staff completing a course through another institution who subsequently enrol in a unit that will contribute to the course being completed at the other institution.

The discount cannot be held in conjunction with any other scholarship or tuition fee reduction. Employees awarded the discount will cease to receive the discount if at any time they no longer meet the eligibility criteria, and/or at the termination of their employment with UWA. Students are responsible for informing the UWA Fees Office if they no longer meet the eligibility requirements.

See the University Policy Further Education for Employees for more information, including the application form, as well as details about other staff education options.

To apply and confirm eligibility, complete the UWA Employee Course Fee Discount application form and submit it to the Student Fees Office via askUWA. Applications to receive the discount should be received prior to commencing the course of study. Retrospective applications for the discount will not be approved.

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