Last date for enrolment at UWA College

What is the last date of enrolment for each Trimester at UWA College? 

Answer ID 3402 | Last updated on 01/07/2024 10.00 AM

Enrolment dates at UWA College for 2024/25 are:

  • Trimester 3 2024 - the last date you can enrol is Friday 11th October 2024
  • Trimester 1 2025 - the last date you can enrol is Friday 14th February 2025
  • Trimester 2 2025 - the last date you can enrol is Friday 20th June 2025
If you wish to enrol in classes after these dates, please contact UWA College on +61 8 6488 1009 or send us an email.


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