Low completion rate and CSP eligibility
Answer ID 3416 | Last updated on 06/11/2024 01.04 PM
Students enrolled in units of study with census dates on or after 1 January 2024will not need to meet the pass rate requirements.
If you had lost access to commonwealth support due to having a low completion rate, your eligibility for CSP or FEE HELP has been restored in January 2024.
From 1 January 2022, if you commence a new course of study (including transferring to a new course) and you have a "low completion rate", you will not be eligible for Commonwealth assistance (studying in a CSP or getting HELP loans for your study).
What is a low completion rate?
A low completion rate means:
• You have a fail rate of more than 50 per cent of the units you have attempted, and
• You have attempted eight or more units of study in a bachelor level or higher course (or four or more units in a higher education sub-bachelor course).
For the purposes of this legislation, a failed unit includes any unit in which you were enrolled post-census and subsequently withdrew from, including withdrawal via Special Consideration.
If you are enrolled in a CSP the government subsidises the cost of your tuition fees, and you pay the balance (known as the Student Contribution Amount) either up front or via HECS-HELP. If you are no longer eligible to hold a CSP:
• You become a full fee-paying student. This will significantly increase your tuition fees, as the government will no longer subsidise your studies, and
• You will lose the ability to defer your tuition fees via HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP and must pay them in full by the census date to avoid enrolment cancellation.
If you are identified as having a low completion rate, you can:
1. Continue your course by paying full fees up front. If you pay up front and increase your completion rate to 50 per cent or higher, you will be eligible for Commonwealth assistance for your course from the next semester after meeting eligibility;
o beyond your control; and
o did not make their full impact on you until on or after the census date of the unit/s; and
o made it impracticable for you to complete the requirements of the unit/s.