Research internship duration

How long is a research internship and are there limits?

Answer ID 3500 | Last updated on 26/06/2024 04.23 PM

  • A planned and approved R&D project with a research end-user (REU) related to your doctoral studies, will usually be for a minimum of 60 full time equivalant (FTE) business days extending over at least 3 months. The duration can vary depending on the type of engagement. Refer to examples of research internships.
  • Flexibility. Depending on the agreed arrangement with the REU, you can complete the 60+ FTE days full time or accumulated flexibly in hours (one FTE day comprises the standard workday hours as defined by the host REU's sector), or in specified days/week or blocks of engagement.
  • Keeping Track. Internships can be taken on site, on campus, online or a flexible mix of modes of engagement negotiated with the REU. Therefore you need to keep track of the time, days & dates spent working on the internship as the total number of FTE days must be reported at the conclusion of the research internship.
  • Stay in Touch. Keep in touch with your academic supervisor during your research internship. The GRS Internships team will be in touch during a research internship with APR Intern and iPREP Biodesign program partners. Reach out if you need assistance.
  • Extending your research internship. You may request to extend the time of your approved research internship once you've commenced it. Your milestones must be kept up to date.
    • Login to HDRhub
    • Under Development, click Research end user engagement tab.
    • Click Confirm REUE (extension) tab and complete the fields, upload your documents, and save.
  • Limits. You can intern for a total of 6 months during candidature, normally without suspension of candidature, but not in the last 6 months prior to thesis submission; International students can intern for a maximum of 3 months. Post-submission the maximum is 3 months completed full time and the internship must commence within two weeks of submission of thesis, id the application was approved within the first 18 months full time on commencement of studies. For further details refer to Schedule A of Experiential Learning policy.
Contact us if you have queries or need assistance.

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