Reasons to consider a research internship

Why should I consider a research internship during candidature?

Answer ID 3501 | Last updated on 26/06/2024 04.25 PM

A research internship with a Research End User (REU) organisation provides a range of professional development & academic opportunities, including:
  • Building new skills and applying your research to test its impact on real challenges and possibly influence new ways of working.
  • Pivoting or testing your career direction & gaining industry sector insight before you complete your studies.
  • Extending your network with experienced practitioners in your field of interest.
  • Co-designing a project to include the research internship as an opportunity to write a chapter or two, or even a paper.
  • As a result of your research internship, being considered for future employment opportunities through your host organisation.
All enrolled doctorate students in any study area at UWA can apply for a research internship!
For queries or assistance please contact us.

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