Research and Development activities in a research internship

What are some examples of Research & Development activities for a HDR research internship?

Answer ID 3573 | Last updated on 09/01/2025 03.30 PM

The type of Research & Development (R&D) activities with an external Research End User organisation will depend on the scope and duration of the project and the needs of the organisation.

Examples of R&D activities may include any of the following:

  • Working individually, or collaboratively with industry, to apply design thinking and identify and solve real industry problems with recommendations to improve or develop solutions.
  • Reviewing the literature & critically assessing new findings, challenging assumptions, conducting evidence-based research and development.
  • Testing prototypes, developing or improving product or service design, collecting prototype data, developing prototype protocols, test marketing.
  • Collecting field data, patient data, or lab data, conducting experiments, managing data sets, modelling and analysing data.
  • Implementing Phase I, II or III clinical trials.
  • Building algorithms, new programming languages or operating systems.
  • Constructing and operating a pilot plant to test and/or improve operations.
  • Developing new policies and frameworks.
  • Developing creative works, delivering live performance of creative works, recording or rendering works and curated exhibitions or events.
  • Increasing the knowledge of humankind, culture and society or applying new knowledge through creative works.
If you have queries about the type or timing of R&D activities or research internship, contact us for assistance.

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