Course attempt status for HDR students
What is my course attempt status as a HDR student?
Answer ID 3578 | Last updated on 01/02/2024 09.41 AM
As a HDR student, your 'course attempt status' refers to your enrolment status in your course. Your course attempt in studentConnect will show as one of the following:
- You are enrolled in unit/s in your course and the teaching period for the units has commenced.
- HDR students are automatically re-enrolled each year in accordance with the rules governing their candidature, provided they have met any conditions for re-enrolment.
- You are enrolled in unit/s in your course but the teaching period has not commenced. Once the teaching period for those units has commenced, your status will automatically change to ENROLLED.
- You are not enrolled in unit/s because you have not met the conditions for re-enrolment. Contact the Graduate Research School when these conditions have been met.
- You are not enrolled in unit/s due to approved leave (suspension). Once your approved leave ends, your status will automatically change to ENROLLED.
- You are not enrolled in unit/s as the result of your submission of thesis for examination.
- You have voluntarily withdrawn from your course; or
- You have been discontinued by the University due to lapsed enrolment, poor academic progress or the course is no longer offered.
- You have satisfied all the requirements of your course.