Unsatisfactory progress in your course

I am on probation, or have received an email about unsatisfactory course progress. Who can I talk to?

Answer ID 501 | Last updated on 16/01/2025 02.18 PM

If you receive an email about unsatisfactory course progress, you will be invited to complete an online UWA Intervention Program.

The intervention program is designed to help you recognise challenges you may have faced in the last semester, identify strategies that can assist you to succeed next semester, and to ensure you are aware of services and supports available to you at UWA.

If you would like to discuss your enrolment, complete the intervention program first, then make an appointment with your Student Office.

You may also see other restrictions, your enrolment will be restricted to 18 credit points (3 units), or be excluded from a unit. These conditions can be discussed with your Student Advising Office.

Academic progression statuses are typically assessed twice a year, alongside results release. For further details, refer to course rules and the University Policy on Academic Progress.

Student visa holders who do not make satisfactory course progress risk having their visa cancelled and being excluded from Australia for a three-year period. This means it is very important that you to take steps to improve. Contact the International Student Support (ISS) team if you need advice regarding visa and related impacts.

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