Suspending your Australia Awards scholarship

Can I suspend my Australia Awards scholarship?

Answer ID 889 | Last updated on 08/05/2024 09.41 AM

Australia Awards Scholarship (AAS) recipients can suspend their scholarship for up to 12 months. However; to do so, you must also provide a suitable reason for your suspension.

Examples of suitable reasons for suspension include pregnancy, family reasons or illness. If you wish to suspend your studies, contact the Student Contact Officer at the International Sponsored Student Unit (ISSU) as soon as possible to discuss your situation. Suspension of your scholarship requires approval by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Program Area or Partner Government.

During the suspension period, you will have to return to your home country (with your family members, if you are accompanied). Your Contribution to Living Allowance (fortnightly stipend) will also stop during the period of suspension.

The ISSU is located in Room G32, off the courtyard in Building 352 (Social Science / Student Central) and is open Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 4:00pm.

To speak with the Student Contact Officer, you can make an appointment at Room G32, telephone 6488 7378 or Email Us.

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