Non-payment of student contribution or tuition fees

What happens if I don't pay my student contribution or tuition fees on time?

Answer ID 134 | Last updated on 06/11/2024 12.30 PM

You must pay your tuition fees or student contribution (for Commonwealth Supported Students) by the due date on your Statement of Account. If you do not make payment by the due date you will be charged a late payment fee and your unit enrolment may be cancelled. You can view your outstanding balance, Statement of Account, due dates and census dates for your enrolled teaching periods under the "Finance" menu on studentConnect.

Commonwealth Supported Students
If you are a domestic student in a Commonwealth Supported Place, for whom deferral of payment via HECS-HELP is not an option, and your student contribution remains unpaid after the census date of the teaching period, your unit(s) enrolment will be cancelled. Remember, you must pay all compulsory or voluntary payments for tuition fees by the relevant census date. Payments will not be accepted after this date.

Domestic Fee-Paying Students
If you are a Domestic Fee Paying student, who has not deferred payment via FEE-HELP and your fees remain unpaid after the census date, your enrolment will be cancelled.

International Students (studying in Australia)
If you are an International student, your tuition fees are due on the first day of the teaching period and must be paid by the end of week 1 of semester (as stipulated in your acceptance contract). If you do not make payment by this date you will be charged a late payment fee and an encumbrance will be placed on your record. The encumbrance will block you from obtaining formal academic documents or transcripts, re-enrolling and graduating. Your encumbrance will be lifted after your overdue fees are paid. Remember, non-payment can also result in the cancellation of your Student Visa. You must contact Student Central if you are experiencing difficulties paying your tuition fees.

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