Exam timetable clash

What is an exam timetable clash?

Answer ID 1426 | Last updated on 30/01/2025 11.58 AM

You were scheduled to sit two exams at the same time and one of the exams was moved to a later time before your timetable was released to you. 

Your personal timetable on studentConnect will not show any indication that you will be sitting an alternate session, but you will receive an email notifying you that you will be sitting the exam after the main cohort.

Before you sit this exam, you will have to sign a Student Declaration (which we will provide) that states that: 
  • You haven't seen the examination paper before
  • You haven't been in contact about the exam with anyone who has sat the exam.
You don't need to do anything about your timetable as the Exams Office has already fixed the problem for you and your timetable reflects when your exams have been scheduled.

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