Deferring attendance at a graduation ceremony

I want to attend a graduation ceremony but I am planning to work overseas for a year. What should I do?

Answer ID 207 | Last updated on 10/02/2025 10.27 AM

If you wish to graduate you will have to apply for conferral of your award by the appropriate closing date.

If you are planning to travel for a year and wish to attend a graduation ceremony the following year, you will need to ensure that you complete the online application form by the appropriate Closing Date and also refer to the Conferment Dates for the following year.

Things for you to be aware of:

  • When you log into studentConnect the system will only give you one option to choose from i.e. the next available graduation round. If you would like to defer your graduation beyond this round of ceremonies you will need to defer your application to graduate by contacting the Graduation Team via Email Us.
  • You will need to keep your student email account and studentConnect active by resetting your Uni ID password.
  • You will need to keep checking your student email account for important deadlines and information about graduation.
  • If you do not apply to graduate within two years of completing your course your award will be conferred automatically in accordance with University rules.

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