Assessment responsibilities

What responsibilities do I have in relation to my assessments?

Answer ID 2716 | Last updated on 30/01/2025 02.17 PM

You are responsible for ensuring that all assessments are completed in accordance with the schedule detailed in your unit's Assessment Mechanism Statement.

The Statement is found in the unit outline in the Learning Management System (LMS) and includes all information relevant to assessment in the unit. You should also:

  • Make sure you are aware of the guidelines and rules for assessment that apply to you.
  • Know the requirements and submission procedure for each assessment - check the unit outline.
  • Schedule sufficient time for the study and completion of all your assessments.
  • Regularly check your University email and LMS for updates.
  • Speak with your Unit Coordinator or tutor if you experience any difficulties.
  • Attend all classes and tutorials, particularly where participation is recorded and assessed.

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