Eligibility for Telehealth at the Medical Centre
Am I eligible for Telehealth at the Medical Centre?
Answer ID 3347 | Last updated on 15/01/2025 09.29 AM
You are eligible for telehealth at a GP medical centre if you:
- have an established clinical relationship with a GP, or a medical practice and have had at least one face-to-face service in the 12 months preceding the telehealth attendance
- have children under the age of 12 months
- are homeless
- are receiving an urgent after-hours (unsociable hours) service or are a patient of a medical practitioner at an Aboriginal Medical Service or an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service
- are in a COVID-19 Commonwealth declared hotspot
- are isolating because of a COVID-related State or Territory public health order, or in COVID-19 quarantine because of a State or Territory public health order
- are accessing a medical consultation for:
- blood borne viruses
- sexual or reproductive health consultations; and
- pregnancy counselling services
- mental health services; and
- nicotine and smoking cessation counselling