Phonetic pronunciation of name at Graduation Ceremony

How can I provide the phonetic pronunciation of my name for my Graduation Ceremony?

Answer ID 3549 | Last updated on 27/08/2024 02.40 PM

At Graduation, your full legal Given Names and Surname will appear on your award certificate. When the presenter reads your name for you to cross the stage at your ceremony, you have the choice of being called by either your 'Given Names and Surname' or your 'Preferred Given Name and Surname.

It is important that you provide the phonetic pronunciation of the names you have selected to be read at your ceremony, as it guides the presenter to read your name correctly. Phonetic pronunciation of your names and surname is saying them as they sound, not as they are written.

When you complete your ceremony registration via GFP Portal, you will be asked to provide a phonetic pronunciation for your name. For example:

  • David Baranowski   =   David Ba-ra-nof-ski)
  • Hooi Peng Soon   =   Hoo-ee P-eng S-oon
  • Sanathanee Sachchithananthan   =   Sana-tha-nee Sach-chi-tha-nan-than
  • Rebecca Malkkah Lachovitzki   =   Rebecca Mul-ka Lah-koh-vitz-kee
  • Ravish Shekaraiah   =   Raveesh Shek-ra-ja
Important items to note:
  • Deadline for updating the Pronunciation (of your Names and Surname to be read at your ceremony) in the GFP Online Ordering Portals is Tuesday, 26 November 2024.
  • Providing phonetic pronunciation for your name is an important step - it guides the presenter to read your name correctly.

When you log into the GFP portal to order your regalia and redeem your tickers, you will also be provided with the option to record the correct pronunciation of your full name, creating a sounds file for the presenter to listen to.

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