Extension of candidature

As a HDR student can I extend my candidature time limit?

Answer ID 3553 | Last updated on 10/02/2025 08.57 AM

Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students may apply for an extension not exceeding one year to their candidature time, in recognition of exceptional circumstances including:
  • If there are compassionate or compelling circumstances, as assessed on the basis of demonstrable evidence, or
  • If an intervention strategy has been implemented, or is in the process of being implemented, because the student is at risk of not meeting course progress requirements.
Exceptional circumstances do not include employment commitments.
You must update your completion plan and include a brief description of strategies developed to overcome logistical or other barriers and to mitigate for any other factors that may influence your progress.
Your application will need to be endorsed by your Coordinating Supervisor and Graduate Research Coordinator (GRC).
To apply for an extension of candidature:
  1. Login to HDRhub using your student ID.
  2. Go to 'My project', 'Candidature management, and 'Start a new application'.
  3. Provide reasons for your request and upload any documentary evidence that is relevant in support of your claim.
Allow sufficient time for your supervisors and GRC to review and endorse your application.
If you are an international student, you should contact Home Affairs to seek advice on any potential impacts on your visa, including the need to obtain a new visa.
If you have a scholarship, check the conditions of your scholarship before applying for an extension.
Periods of approved leave (suspension) and changes between full-time and part-time enrolment are not normally approved whilst a student is on extension of candidature.

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