Annual progress report
How do I submit my annual progress report?
Answer ID 3554 | Last updated on 10/02/2025 08.58 AM
Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students must provide annual progress reports and any other requested reports in accordance with your course rules. Monitoring progress during your candidature enables the University to provide appropriate support to ensure your development and welfare, and facilitates successful and timely completion.
As part of your annual progress report, you will provide a summary of your research progress during the previous year, details of your achievements, setbacks, and strategies for the next 12 months, and update your completion plan. Your report will need to be endorsed by your Coordinating Supervisor and Graduate Research Coordinator (GRC), with a recommendation on whether you should be permitted to re-enrol.
Your annual progress report is submitted via HDRhub.
- Login to HDRhub using your student ID.
- Go to 'My project', 'Progress review and Confirmation of Candidature', and 'Create new application'.
You are deemed to be making satisfactory progress when, in the assessment of your supervisors and GRC, you continue to submit reports and other requirements, at a satisfactory standard, within agreed times.
Allow sufficient time for your supervisors and GRC to review and endorse your application. Your advisory panels must assist and advise the GRC on the review and approval of your annual progress report.