Tax File Number (TFN) Verification process

Why do I need to verify my Tax File Number (TFN) 

Answer ID 3594 | Last updated on 28/06/2024 10.17 AM

From 2017, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has introduced a TFN verification process for all students who have submitted a TFN and requested a HELP loan.

To be eligible for a HELP loan, the ATO must be able to verify that the TFN and personal details submitted on your Commonwealth Assistance Form, belong to you, the student. For the ATO to be able to verify this information, the following details must be correct and up to date with both UWA and the ATO:

  • Title
  • Full name (including any middle names)
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Tax file number

UWA will contact you if the ATO advises us they are unable to match the information you have submitted to UWA, for the purposes of obtaining HELP.

If we contact you, it is extremely important that you do the following:

  • Confirm that your information (including all personal details and addresses) held with UWA are complete and correct - studentConnect
  • Confirm that your information with the ATO matches with the information you have provided to UWA through your studentConnect - ATO Login or call 13 28 61
  • Advise the Fees Team if you require an update to any personal details and/or your TFN, where applicable to ensure the information matches with both UWA and the ATO by sending us an enquiry through askUWA Email us 
  • If your TFN is unable to be verified by the ATO due to either an incorrect TFN or mismatching personal information, the ATO will not be able to store your HELP debt accurately and as such you will not be eligible for a HELP loan.

If your TFN has not passed the ATO verification by the census date, your HELP loan will be reversed and your enrolment may be cancelled.

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