Obtaining your approved calculator sticker
Where do I go to get my approved calculator sticker?
Answer ID 538 | Last updated on 29/01/2025 02.49 PM
On-Campus Exams
Check the list of UWA approved calculators in the attachment below. You can then get your approved calculator sticker from:
- Business School Undergraduate Student Centre and Postgraduate Student Centre
- Engineering and Mathematical Sciences Student Office
- Science Student Office
- Arts and Law Student office
- UWA Libraries
- The UniPrint Campus Shop
NB: Opening times vary. Please check before visiting.
If you have an exam on a Saturday and require a calculator sticker, Student Central will be open 30 minutes before Semester 1 and Semester 2 exams.
Online Exams
You do not need a sticker on your calculator to sit online exams. However, your calculator must not be programmable, display graphics or have any connectivity capability such as Bluetooth.