EndNote explained
What is EndNote and how can it help me?
Answer ID 687 | Last updated on 30/01/2025 02.20 PM
EndNote is a referencing software which can be used to create a library of references for the information you use in your research. Your library can then be organised, edited and converted into a formatted bibliography in your required referencing style. EndNote can be used together with MS Word. A plugin called “Cite While You Write” allows you to insert in-text references at point of need, and creates a full reference list at the end of your document.
EndNote is free for UWA staff and students and can be downloaded for use on a personal device such as a laptop or home computer. The University Library produces an EndNote Library Guide which includes instructions on how to download, install, use, back up and troubleshoot the program.
Support for EndNote can be found here, or contact the library for one-on-one help.