Outbound - Where you can study on Student Exchange
Answer ID 1061 | Last updated on 06/12/2024 01.53 PM
The University of Western Australia has developed extensive partnerships with over 140 overseas institutions. You can search Global Studio for more information.
When investigating overseas universities look out for any restrictions to studying at these overseas institutions which are noted on the brochure for each university in Global Studio.
Note: the inclusion of disciplines on these lists does not provide automatic approval of a course of study at a partner institution.
Where places at a university are limited, places are allocated to students based on Weighted Average Mark (WAM) and the viability of a student's study plan.
Approval to study particular units at any institution is always at the discretion of your Student Advising Office and the Host University.
Some universities have only school specific agreements with UWA, this means you may not be able to do units from outside the school at the partner university.
Ask your Student Advising Office or contact the Global Learning Office for more information.