Difference between Alternative Exams and Special Consideration

What is the difference between Alternative Exams and Special Consideration?

Answer ID 398 | Last updated on 24/01/2025 01.52 PM

Alternative Examination Arrangements are made for students who, because of disability or a medical condition, are unable to complete exams under regular conditions. In accordance with the Disability Standards for Education (2005), alternative exam arrangements are intended to address disadvantage within standardised exam conditions for eligible students.

Special Consideration allows your school and student office to consider significant factors that may have affected any aspect of your academic preparation or performance. UWA has established a University Policy on Special Consideration to recognise and support the differing needs of students balancing life and university study.

Special Consideration relating to an examination is generally for acute illnesses or extenuating circumstances occurring during an exam or exam period which prevent you from attending. If you believe your circumstances require special consideration, you can submit an application online e or discuss with your student advising office for more information.

You can book online to meet with an Accessibility Advisor to discuss your support needs:

You can also request an appointment via the UniAccess call back line which is regularly monitored throughout the day (+61 8) 6488 4630 or email uniaccess@uwa.edu.au.

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