Arriving late for an exam

What happens if I arrive late for my exam?

Answer ID 70 | Last updated on 16/01/2025 02.07 PM

If you're up to 60 minutes late for your exam, you can still sit the exam, but you will not be granted extra time.

What you should do when you arrive on campus depends on how late you are running for your exam.

•    If you are up to 60 minutes late, go directly to your examination venue. You will be permitted to sit the examination but no extra time will be allocated.
•    If you are more than 60 minutes late you will not be allowed to sit the exam. Report to your Student Advising Office as soon as possible if you require guidance on what to do next.

Students sitting MS Teams exams are required to log on up to 45 minutes before the start of the exam for an ID check and to resolve any technical issues. 
If you are more than 60 minutes late for your exam or have misread the timetable and missed your exam, you will not be allowed to sit the exam.

Student Administration is always open during exams for any questions or concerns you have about your exam. You can also contact us by phone on +618 6488 1212. If you're late as a result of circumstances beyond your control, you may be eligible to apply for special consideration to sit a deferred exam.

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