Location of UniAccess
Where is UniAccess - UWA's Disability Office?
Answer ID 409 | Last updated on 24/01/2025 02.10 PM
UniAccess - UWA's Disability Office is located on Level 1 of the Student Central Building (opposite the Guild Village).
The opening hours for UniAccess are Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:00pm.
You can book online to meet with an Accessibility Advisor to discuss your support needs:
- If you are an enrolled UWA student please select this link to book an appointment - Book an Appointment.
- If you are a prospective student, please email uniaccess@uwa.edu.au.
You can also request an appointment via the UniAccess call back line which is regularly monitored throughout the day (+61 8) 6488 4630 or email uniaccess@uwa.edu.au.