Uni ID explained

What is Uni ID?

Answer ID 319 | Last updated on 31/01/2025 11.09 AM

Uni ID is UWA's access management system. You use your Uni ID password, along with your student number, to access a range of online UWA services. This includes the UWA Wi-Fi network UnifistudentConnect and much more.

Your student email, the Learning Management System (LMS), and some other systems uses Uni-ID, which is the same password but instead of a student number, it uses your email address as the username, i.e. studentnumber@student.uwa.edu.auYou must be a currently enrolled student to activate your Uni ID account.

Visit Uni ID to activate your Uni ID account, change your password or to reset your password if you've forgotten it.

Your Uni ID password expires every 6 months and you will receive an email prompt to reset it in the weeks prior to expiry. If it has expired, there are multiple ways in which you can change your Uni ID password or unlock your Uni ID account:

  • You can follow the forgotten password procedure to reactivate it. You will be asked to answer your challenge questions so make sure the answer you have chosen is unique and memorable for you. Any of the previous 6 password versions will not be accepted.
  • You can also utilise the multi-factor authentication Self Serve Password Reset tool (MFA SSPR) for identity verification. This is handy as it means you do not need to remember your Uni ID challenge questions. 
Once you have updated your Uni ID please ensure that your devices are using your new password. Mobile devices that were connected to Unifi using the old password and that have not been updated to the new password will attempt to connect using the now invalid password, which can eventually cause your account to be temporarily locked.

Your Uni ID account will expire:

  • 28 days from a course discontinuation date (for courses not completed) and;
  • 12 months from your course completion or conferral date.

If you need help with Uni ID, consult the student Uni ID help information or contact the Library.

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